"Ang art-e ko.."

7:39 PM

The first time I tried doing watercolour
       I haven't really thought of which art style my works belong to. Basically because almost all of them are just inspired from others' artworks. I guess that's where I began liking art anyway – from watching others and from seeing their works. Right now, my arts' persona is still having an identity crisis but I'm hoping that this choice I made, to take up MMA, could help me find my own identity in arts :) All I know is that I personally like using bright colors because I am a happy person. Just as they say, an artwork represents its artist. I use dark colors, too, but rarely. It just doesn't feel right to me haha. I want people to feel something positive when they see my works, not cast a burden on them. That’s why I know for sure that I am definitely not the Dadaist type.

More watercolour attempts. Plus ink.
            Believe me when I say, “Artists can transfer vibes through their artworks.” Are you familiar with the painting called The Scream? Yep, the one with the freak holding its face while making this -- :o -- expression that looks a bit like Voldemort, the one with the orange background and all. That one. I saw it when I was like 12 and man did it scare me. I even had some kind of nightmares about it. Gah! Honestly, I still get the creeps whenever I see it today. I feel like the painting may come to life at any moment and I DO NOT want that. Sheez (>.<) it's actually a good thing though. The artist was able to make the painting look like that. *clap clap* It gives a certain effect to its viewers. Such effect. Anyway, I'd like to do the same to my viewers too. Make them feel like the artwork is part of them and/or they're part of the artwork. But not to scare them. I'm not the revengeful type. Hehe, maybe I'd just like to inspire them or simply make them feel happy.

Conrad Roset

Conrad Roset's IG account
is a must-see! @conradroset
        When it comes to media, I am fond of using crayons, watercolour, oil pastel, poster paint, and a little bit of oil paint. And right now, I am learning to love the use of pencils :) Thanks to our only drawing class this semester! There are also some artists that I look up to. It’s good to have inspirations. One of them is Conrad Roset, an illustrator from Barcelona. He usually uses watercolur and I find his works extraordinary. Although his lines aren’t that defined or perfect, his works always turn out beautifully. He usually features people – muses, to be exact. Sometimes he’d paint them live, but not exactly as he sees them. He’d use distortions and different colors which is so awesome. I don’t know how he does that but it’s just pure beauty! I would like to learn how to find my own style, too, just like him. 

^acrylic on canvas^
screenshot from P's tumblr account :)) link below! 
Another one of my role models is a BA Comm, major in MMA, student from MCL named Pauline Alvarez. Her artworks have dashes-of-Conrad-Roset in it but with stronger lines and forms. I like her because her works have a wide variety. She can do different styles – cartoon, realistic, pop, and others that I honestly do not know what to call haha! She’s very good with the pencil and with watercolour and she’s also very pretty :))

More watercolour! Hehe
           Of all the art styles we studied about in History of Arts & Design, I think I am 1/8 post-impressionist, 1/8 pop artist, ¼ abstractionist, ¼ surrealist, and ¼ fauvist. The thing is that I don’t want to be just one thing. If we’re talking movies, “I wanna be divergent,” or if we’re talking food, “I wanna be a buffet.” I know I still have a long way to go with arts and so I won’t be closing doors for improvements :) I'm just beginning.

P.S. My *cough* very good friend, Zander Esteban, threatened encouraged me to go on ahead and admit that his works also inspire me so..sigh. That person is so artsy. Sometimes I hate him because he's so good haha! He sees things differently and makes weird figures of people but can still manage to make it look pretty. "Pretty, but also vile at the same time. I like it." =)) He is also very humble because he resists being complimented and says he's not really that good. But sometimes I'm not sure if he means it or he's just being sarcastic again. Honestly, I'm Zander's "copy cat" even when it comes to blog entries hahaha! I like looking at his entries first before I do mine and it's not really a secret lol. My hopes for this guy is high. I'm pretty sure he'll do well as an artist and possibly a comedian, too ;) Drop by his blog >> zresteban.blogspot.com

Conrad Roset artworks fr Google
Check out Pauline's Tumblr account ❤ http://thepaulineanatomy.tumblr.com/
(on My Own Artistic Style)

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